I would like to know how to replicate the look of the Saint James furniture and French Casement cabinets displayed on the Restoration Hardware web site. French Casement is described as "a soft weathered finish that has the look of driftwood". Saint James is described as “A weathered, distressed patina
Restoration Hardware’s Answer
The finish is the "look" and we go to great lengths to develop unique and hard to copy techniques to produce a "look" that can't be easily copied. It is accomplished with a multi step process that is very difficult to reproduce....that's by design.......often this type look is created by a blasting treatment using high pressure air with glass beads, walnut husks, garnet sand, etc...which creates the weathered look and feel of the wood, blasting away the softer grain and allowing the harder grain to appear raised. This creates a "weathered" look in a few minutes rather then several years...then a pigmented wash is used, often on top of a stain technique, then glazes and sealer coats are used to enhance the finish, protect it and add durability. These finishes can have upwards of 10+ individual steps, with proprietary products...{they want you to desire their finish enough to make you buy the pieces}....most finishers would have to study this finish in person, to even begin to deduce how it was done.... All this stuff is produced in Taiwan, China, Indonesia, etc.....
Lockhart Woodwork’s Answer
Lockhart Woodworks has unlocked some of these secrets and can produce a very similar look to Restoration Hardware’s “French Casement” and ‘Saint James” style pieces.
The French Casement look can be accomplished on new white Oak pieces or cabinets. The Saint James look can be accomplished on new Pecan or Hickory furniture or cabinets. The process is not easy and requires many more steps than standard finishing, however the results are very very similar to the Restoration Hardware pieces and at substantially less cost. So if you are in the market for a cabinet with either of these looks, consider having Lockhart woodworks build you your piece and apply this finish technique.
A sample of these finishes is available to see at Lockhart Woodworks.